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Beyond National Women's Day

Tiffany Diorio • March 8, 2023

walking the walk

In this world of social media and social advertising, it is easy to talk the talk, it is a whole other feat to walk the walk. This means expanding out from simply creating influence posts on social media, hash tagging National Women's Day and then moving on to the next #NationalDay. This is why I have set my goal for 2023 to focus on not simply networking to the people I believe can use my services in order to make a sell, but building a network of incredible women owned businesses, to foster support, provide resources, and impact growth for each other's business goals and future dreams.

As women, we have played the comparison game for too long, the time is long overdue to stop comparing and start encourage. We are all equipped with our own unique talents and strengths and using those talents and strengths to build each other up, serves far more useful that comparing other successes to our own. There is room for all of us to succeed, and more potential than ever with and incredible network of women who have each other's back. The trajectory of women owned businesses is on the rise, and I for one, want to be a part of that growth; to be an encourager of other women who share that same vision.

My female friendships are some of the most supporting and rewarding relationships in my like. We are each other's cheerleaders, defenders, and supporters. We don't let one another sell ourselves short, make excuses, or be anything less than who we are fully capable of being. We also drink wine, laugh, cry and complain because life requires it all to keep moving forward with our dreams. I want to be that for other women in business, as we navigate this ever changing journey of business ownership. I want to be the person telling them they can, when they think they can't, and helping them see how much they are truly capable of, giving them permission to dream those big scary dreams.

2023 has already provided me the opportunity to partner with amazing women that previously I would have compared myself to, and convinced myself that I wasn't qualified enough to share the same space with.

I am looking forward to what the rest of this year holds, and all the other relationships to be built in 2023 and beyond!

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